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GUNTRACK is FREE to download, to purchase the app follow these simple steps:

Download  FREE from the Google Play or Apple App Store.

Once installed, you will get the Login/ Sign Up Screen.  Click on “Sign Up” at the bottom of the page.

Sign Up using your email address and create a password. (I suggest always using a strong password.)

Once you submit your email address and password, you will get an automated email sent to that email address to confirm it’s your email.  Click on the link sent to your email account and that will confirm your account is active.

GUNTRACK automated email response


Confirmation Notice from GUNTRACK app

Once you login with you new account, if you click on any of the records other then “Add Firearms” which is FREE to test, you will be prompted to active a 1 time in-app purchase for $4.99. Once paid, your GUNTRACK account will be unlocked and all GUNTRACK tracking features will be active.

Paid GUNTRACK features



Len Morales Jr | Founder

Author Len Morales Jr | Founder

More posts by Len Morales Jr | Founder